Monday, January 16, 2012

The First Homemade Pancakes

Pancakes, also known as hotcakes, flapjacks, butter cakes or griddle cakes are actually batter-type quick breads. These flat, thick cakes are easy to cook and low costs. Probably every region has their own history and variety of pancake, but most stories tell us that this came from European countries. Pancakes have a long history that can be traced back to the Medieval times. Archaeological evidence suggest that the first pancakes were probably the earliest type of cereal food and bread eaten in prehistoric times wherein dry flour that's made of starchy seeds were mixed with the available protein-rich ingredients like milk and eggs, and were baked on hot stoneware pots over an open fire which resulted into a nutritious and palatable pastry dish.Today, all pancakes are basically made of the same ingredients, flour, sugar, baking soda, milk, and eggs.

Pancakes exist before the birth of yeast and baking soda. It was freshly fallen snow that was used as a secret ingredient to make tender pancakes a long time ago. The snow contains ammonia, which would make the pancakes light and tender. Another way to prepare pancakes was using hardwood ashes, wherein these ashes are sifted in a cup, poured with boiling water, and allowed to settle at the bottom. The remaining liquid was used in making pancakes. These were during the ancient times but when baking soda and buttermilk came into the picture, making pancakes became more easier. Pancakes instantly became a universal breakfast item, and then evolved into newer variations that work for any meal that you want.  

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